
Quotes about Safety

safety quotes, safety proverb

Your good health is your greatest wealth

Accident prevention - Your No. 1 intention

Get the safety habit

It's better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one

Know safety - No injury, No safety - Know injury

Know safety No Accidents

There's no face like your own, wear face protection

Look sharp don't get cut

Never give safety a day off

Better to be safe than to be sorry

Safety begins with teamwork

Safety has no time out

Safety is no accident

Stop accidents before they stop you

We need you - work safely

Always think safety no matter what the task

Accidents hurt - Safety doesn't

Safety rules are your best tools

Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy

Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning

Safety isn't just a slogan, it's a way of life

Replacing a saw guard is easier than replacing a finger

Save tomorrow. think safety today

Those who work the safest way, live to work another day

Wear safety shoes and keep a good footing on life

Put safety into action - the wishbone will never replace the backbone

Safety first - Please remember

Don't learn safety by accident

Think Safety, Because I Love You Man

Don't be safety blinded, be safety minded

Turn your attention to accident prevention

Being accident free is doing your part

Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today

Safety works when people work together

A danger foreseen is half avoided

Broken tools can be replaced. You can't.